Public Works Notice – 20 Echo Lane

City PlannerPublic Works

The Harrah Public Works will be replacing a Fire Hydrant at 20 Echo Lane on August 27, 2024. We will have to shut the water off to do this replacement. The water will be shut off at 8am and it will take around 6 hours to replace. The area affected will be from Reno going south from 20 Echo Lane …

Come to Taco Fest on Main Street

City PlannerUncategorized

Come to Taco Fest on Main Street on August 24th, 2024. Please note, Main Street and Tim Holt Drive (as shown on the map) will be closed to traffic from Noon to Midnight on August 24th. Please Email for any Event Questions or further information.

2024 City Wide Yard Sale

Jeremy DavidsonUncategorized

THURSDAY, MAY 2 TO SUNDAY, MAY 5, 2024.STOP BY CITY HALL TO ADD YOUR ADDRESS TO THE LIST APRIL 8 TO APRIL 30, 2024.On MAY 1, 2024, the list will be ready for pick up.Signs are $3.00 each and Permit fees are waived.

New Street Tamper at Work Filling Potholes

Jeremy DavidsonUncategorized

In a continued effort to improve your streets, public works was out filling potholes on Dobbs this morning. They graciously allowed the City Manager to join them, and try out the new tamper purchased with ARPA funds. A big thanks to our Public Works staff for the hard work they do.

Construction Alert

Jeremy DavidsonNews and Events, Public Notices

Expect slow moving traffic around town starting around 9:00 AM tomorrow as the road striping project begins.  It will begin on Dobbs, then to Luther, Peebly and Triple X Roads from 23rd to Reno.  Then Reno Ave and 10th Street will be striped from Triple X to Harrah Road.  If you can take alternate routes, please do.  We’re pleased to be striping …

Burn Ban in Effect

Jeremy DavidsonUncategorized

To learn more about the Burn Ban please visit

Notice of Possible Quorum Meeting

Jeremy DavidsonUncategorized

September 21, 2021 On Tuesday, September 21, 2021, members of the City Council, Planning Commission, and Park Board will meet at EOC Technology Center in Choctaw at 4601 N. Choctaw Rd. in the Oak Room for training on meeting open meeting rules and procedures, open records, meeting best practices and municipal official’s responsibilities – do’s & don’ts. There is a …